Tuesday 12 July 2011

Using LinkedIn to full effect

LinkedIn is fun for personal use to start with, without all the gimics and ridiculous add-ins that come with Facebook.  But it has more serious and useful application for business.  On an individual level you keep on contact with suppliers, colleagues and customers, and use groups to keep up with what's going on.

You can specifically look for people to do business with by asking your contacts to put you in touch with their contacts, and by responding and helping people with queries in news groups.

And Google currently likes social media so it potentially increases your 'Google Juice', the amount of information that Google has to give you your ranking.

See the full Using LinkedIn article

Wednesday 6 July 2011

The Importance of Twitter Feed

Twitterfeed is a way of making all your efforts count double or triple.  Essentially, each time you publish a blog entry, it automatically also gets posted to your Facebook page and is tweeted too.  Furthermore the tweet automatically gives you a short url linking to the full blog.

Potentially (since we don't know exactly how Google works and it changes) this means that Google will find three links for the effort of one.

It only takes five minutes to register your email address with Twitterfeed, then to tell it the blog that the information is coming from, then to give it your Facebook page and your Twitter account to post too.

I know you'll be pleased about that!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Mobile SEO with a Smart Phone

Whether you are using an htc, blackberry or iphone, you can use those spare minutes in the day here and there to send tweets, update your facebook profile, take photos for your website, carry out short interviews - if you get into the habit you'll have just as much time in the day and achive much more.

See http://www.theseoproject.co.uk/info-SEO-with-smartphone.asp for the full details.

Friday 24 June 2011

Happy Days! Alexa.com has found us.

20 days: first fruit

After doing the basic work for setting up the website, the social media sites, our blog and a few backlinks The SEO Project has been found by Alexa.com.  Alexa isn't the be-all and end-all, but it is one of the things that is indicative of how likely Google places you.

As a benchmark, our rating is 13,844,540; this means that there are thirteen million, eight hundred and forty four thousand, five hundred and thirty nine websites ranked higher than us - awesome!

So now, inspired, back to work developing the website and generating a few more backlinks.


Thursday 16 June 2011

Setting up your business Facebook page

Pick an interesting a relevant name for your page, and username too, that people will know and want to visit.  If it happens to have key words then all the better, but that's not the main objective with Social Networking.

Use the About textbox and the info tab as places where you can get some good keywords and links to your website.

Add a like button from your website to your Facebook page; this will mean that Google will find links to your Facebook page from other people's pages.

Make a regular diary note (e.g. every Wednesday) to update your status, add a photo or image, and link to a web on your or another relevant and popular website.  This will make a big difference in time.

For more information and to see the full article to Setting Up your Business Facebook page on The SEO Project website

Thursday 9 June 2011

What makes a good SEO

Results?  Well that's part of the story.  But you don't know that when you sign up.  Listen to what your SEO has to say and see whether or not they bring up all the following points:
  1. What are the agreed targets, and for how long must they be met?
  2. How they are going to work with your current web coder?  Who will make changes to your site?
  3. Will you or they write new content for your website?
  4. Who is going to write any articles, blogs and tweets for your social media websites?
  5. Do they need to get your agreement for anything they write?
  6. How will they support you and your staff to continue with good SEO practice once they have finished?
If you have more suggestions, do send them to us at The SEO Project, we would love to hear from you.


Monday 6 June 2011

The SEO Project: Pauper to King?

Follow me as I make the SEO journey.  Having successfully worked in SEO over the last few years on a number of sites I have decided to put myself back into the shoes of those who are either DIY SEOing on their first website, and those who are coming to SEO companies like us and want to know what they are paying for.

Our new website http://www.theseoproject.co.uk/ was set up on 4th June 2011, was not ranked on Alexa, no google ranking - in fact like the rest of the world Google didn't even know we existed (and Google knows a lot!).  I will mimic the sort of time you need to spend in the early days of your website, just an hour a day (which will also help Google see us a growing site).

Three days in and I have set up my LinkedIn account, a SEO project Twitter account and a new Facebook page (do join us).

I will keep you up-do-date with progress.

Best wishes, JL